25 Junho 2024

Digital Sovereignty: Why and for Whom?

The Digital Sovereignty Project, conducted in partnership with FGV São Paulo, was an initiative led by the Brazil Chapter of the Internet Society (ISOC). This project, concluded in April 2024, was conceived with the purpose of exploring and promoting digital sovereignty, a crucial theme in the contemporary era of technology and information. Throughout its implementation, the project achieved several significant outcomes, establishing itself as a major contribution to the debate and action surrounding digital sovereignty in Brazil. 

The project resulted in the production of comprehensive research, analyses, and reports on various aspects of digital sovereignty, generating documents and knowledge for policymakers, academics, and the general public.

Additionally, a series of events, seminars, and workshops were held, providing a space for the exchange of ideas, experiences, and best practices related to digital sovereignty. These events brought together diverse stakeholders, including government representatives, civil society, private sector, and academia. Below, you can find recordings of the lectures from the Open Course conducted under the project, as well as the webinar recording.

Through training programs and awareness campaigns, the project contributed to increasing understanding and awareness of issues related to digital sovereignty among various audiences, including opinion leaders, policymakers, technology professionals, and ordinary citizens.

Below are the project deliverables available for access:

Final Report (English version): https://isoc.org.br/files/Research Report - Digital Sovereignty_compressed.pdf

Final Report (Spanish version): https://isoc.org.br/files/Reporte de Investigación - Soberania Digital_compressed.pdf

Final Report (Portuguese version): https://isoc.org.br//files/projetosoberania_relatorio_pt_202405_%20_compressed.pdf

Internet Impact Brief (English version)https://isoc.org.br///files/IIB - Digital Sovereignty EN_compressed.pdf

Internet Impact Brief (Spanish version):  https://isoc.org.br/files/IIB - Soberania Digital ES_compressed.pdf

Internet Impact Brief (Portuguese version): https://isoc.org.br//files/IIB%20Soberania%20Digital%20PTBR_compressed.pdf

Open Course Lectures, conducted by experts and scholars in the field, available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzm9tGCSV_sIqfVf31iUajw56KKQhpBPp (with subtitles in Spanish and English)

Articles produced by students and professors of the Open Course in the format of essays or opinion articles on the topic of digital sovereignty, available on Medium:https://medium.com/o-centro-de-ensino-e-pesquisa-em-inova%C3%A7%C3%A3o-est%C3%A1/soberania/home 

Webinar "Local, Regional, and Global Perspectives of Digital Sovereignty: Latin America in Focus," available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-wqRHYnb6w 

Digital Sovereignty Working Group:https://isoc.org.br/atividades/ver/11 


The project stands as a milestone in the debate on Brazil's digital future, leaving behind a legacy of resources and tools for building a more just, inclusive, and democratic digital future. The project's results and learnings will serve as a foundation for future initiatives by ISOC Brazil, FGV-SP, and other partners, driving the development of a more sovereign digital ecosystem for the country.